One Convention Can't Erase Trump's 50 Years of Racism

Republicans can’t erase Trump’s long history of racism with a four-day political convention. Trump started his career in the 1970s with housing discrimination against Blacks. He continued his racism by leading a lynch mob against the now exonerated Central Park Five in 1989. He was sued for employment discrimination against Black casino workers in the 1990s. He spread racist misinformation about Native Americans in the 1990s. He spent five and a half years spreading a racist lie about President Obama’s birth certificate in the 2010s. He launched his campaign with a racist attack on Mexicans and Muslims in 2015. And he’s spent his administration spreading racist lies, from claiming there were “very fine people on both sides” in Charlottesville to tweeting out video of his supporters chanting “white power.” No matter what Republicans say, Trump’s racism is undeniable.